Timberdoodle Low N Slow is our newest up and comer from our 2023 litter out of Dixie and Henri. Miss Brisket is an incredibly talented young lady who broke every mold when she came into our lives. She’s fully equipped with tons of drive with an incredibly sweet temperament. She has been a tenacious go getter from the time we first donned her yellow collar the day she was born, and continues to impress us with her willingness to “DO”. Brisket is a pretty little thing who neatly ties together her inherent natural talents, with willingness to please and an abundance of personality and humor. Every day is a happy day with Brisket in the house, and the more time spent with her both at home and afield brings greater happiness to us and for her. As we work towards our Utility Test, her drive, natural inclination to retrieve, baseline steadiness, and her keen desire to seek objectives and cover on land and water make training not only fun but productive. She recently put down a solid run in a decently sized stake for her Field Trial Futurity run, bringing home a fourth place ribbon against some pretty impressive competition. The thing we are most proud of is that she was breeder-owner handled, and only trained for the event via wild bird exposure. We look forward to seeing what big things this little lady will do next, stay tuned for more of this young lady’s travels as she trains for her UT test, slated for 2026.
OFA: Underway, coming soon
CHIC: Stay tuned.
DNA: HUU: Clear, HYPM: Clear, SD: Clear