VC Timberdoodle Yukon Jackson, SDX, RDX, NAVHDA, NA1, 112, UT 1, 201
DOB: 03/02/2013
Health clearances:
- OFA Hips: WE-EL1831M37- VPI, Normal
- OFA Elbows: WE-12420E37M- VPI, Excellent
Weight: 65#
Height: 25.5″
Frozen semen: available
Timberdoodle Yukon Jackson is a male with a phenomenal work ethic and only better temperament. Jackson earned his UT 1 handled by his amateur owner and his superhero sidekick of the same age. He is a wonderful family dog, even keeled in any situation, and a pleasure to hunt over. Jackson and his owner guide at local preserves when not chasing birds around throughout the Northeast. We are proud that Jackson is one of the special dogs in our program that contributed to the first ever NAVHDA Breeders awards for both Utility and the Invitational, a very special achievement!
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