VC Timberdoodle Lightning Strike, NAVHDA NA 100 III, JH, NAVHDA UT 190 I, SDX,
DOB: 03/02/2013
Health Clearances:
- OFA Hips: WE-12568E48M-VPI – Excellent
- OFA Elbows: WE-EL1926M48-VPI – Normal
- OFA Thyroid: WE-TH593/48M-VPI – Normal
- OFA Eyes: WE-EYE257/48M-VPI – Normal
- CHIC 120157
Weight: 62 pounds
Height: 25 inches
Fresh semen: available
Frozen semen: available Summer 2018
Live cover: No
Timberdoodle Lightning Strike is a sleek, muscular, and handsome male who excels in the field, woods and water. Stryker, trained and handled by his amateur owner, earned a UT III at 2 ½ years old in 2015 during his first attempt at the UT and UT I the following year during his next attempt. He earned his SDX on his first attempt and, with a natural desire to retrieve, easily earned his RDX as well. Stryker is sociable with other dogs, hunts well in braces, and is a natural backer. He is a hard charging hunter with tremendous desire and prey drive who ranges out in the field and works more closely in the grouse woods. Stryker is a very tender, loving family member who is comfortable and easy going in the house, with people other than family and children. He wants to be everyone’s friend. Stryker spends his Fall hunting grouse, woodcock, pheasants, sharptail, prairie chickens, and ducks across Minnesota and the Dakotas with his owner, Michael Bredahl. Stryker is one of a litter to earn a NAVHDA NA Breeder’s Award and NAVHDA UT Breeder’s Award, as well as a NAVHDA IT Breeders award.
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